Monday, December 14, 2015

LAW 59: Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

December 14th, 2015. Today is the fourth day in a row that we have not had the heat turned on here on the Floating Empire, except briefly to remove the early morning chill. The windows have been open for four days as well. Hey, i love the unseasonably warm weather as much as the next person, but i really, really wonder what price we will pay for this.

Sunrise Dec 14th 2015 from the front deck

Did you know that there are streets in Key West that have been under water for three weeks now?

Yes, yes i do know that there has always been an ebb and flow to the weather, but, really, Climate Deniers of the world, get your heads out of the sand and face facts.
It is so very very still

I for one am very glad that i live on a boat.

More later,

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