Whether it is an immutable function of boats in water: in particular living on one, or a factor of our retirement Mungo and i have discovered yet another time zone, Boating Standard Time. I believe that we may have discovered another (new) law of physics which has to do with the elasticity of time. It goes something like this…..’Hey, you guys want to come out with us? We’re not going out got very long; just an hour or so! Invariably this short boating trip involves a time frame that is never less than four hours, often stretching into six… Please don’t get me wrong, i enjoy being out on the water as much as any one, i however like the proverbial girl scout, err, boy… like to be prepared. BST appears to be a corollary to another time stretching phenomena that we discovered when we were living in Southern Illinois, know there as PST, or Pagan Standard Time. I’ll go into that some other time. Until next time please enjoy the photos that have come from some of these trips.
More later,
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