Sunday, September 25, 2016

LAW 104: Mungo's Dream

One of the greatest joys that comes when you live on water is all the amazing opportunities for bird watching. Here on the Middle River our favorite birds to watch during the summer and early fall are the Ospreys. What wonderful birds of prey. They of course nest all over the upper bay, commandeering virtually all of the tops of channel markers, buoys, any relatively undisturbed flat surface they can find, including tree tops. If you've never seen an osprey nest, they are huge, messy, untidy masses of sticks.

We have been lucky enough to watch at least one or two nesting pairs every summer since we moved onboard. One of our favorite late afternoon pastimes involves relaxing under the 'Drinking Tree', yes, of course with a glass of wine, watching the Ospreys fish for supper. They almost never miss. A sure sign that fall is here, the Ospreys take off for warmer climes.

Any way, Mungo's Dream goes like this……..
The chair in question, visualize the Osprey!

An Osprey lands on the back of an empty lawn chair says "Hey", …. amazed, perplexed, we uncertainly go "Hey?" back. The Osprey continues the conversation, asking us if we were okay, letting us know that they were getting ready to head south for the winter……."We just wanted to make sure you guys would be here next spring, we really enjoy watching you."

Alright, just a little on the surreal side, but….
More later,

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