Sunday, January 10, 2016

LAW 65: What, you don't believe in global warming?

So today is January 10th. It was 61 degrees at eleven o'clock this morning. What? you say, Morgainne did you move to northwest Florida? Or perhaps Bahama? No folks, this Baltimore, hon!

This is low tide, yes the docks will be under water

We  almost never have south winds during the winter months, but the wind is at gale force out of the south south west. We're really rockin and rollin here on the Floating Empire. i'm pretty sure that high tide tonight will be over the docks. usually we are climbing up the ladder to get off the boat during the winter months.

Oh ya, it will be 26 degrees tonight. Brrr! Time to re-light the karo heater. Sigh. Still in all it has been a very mild winter.
Cat in sunbeam, well dud!

And of course, no blog entry is complete without the obligatory portrait of the cat. We continue to be amazed that anyone would give away such a great cat. But we are happy the fools did, because now this great cat lives with us.

Here's looking at you kid

More later,

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