Thursday, February 26, 2015


Changes . There is a remarkable difference in the sounds of the summer  and winter wind. Having lived most of my life surrounded by the trees of the great temperate forests of America you would think that this is something i would have previously recognized. I imagine on some sub-conscious level i had. However, not until i had lived through both a summer and most of a winter here on the Empire  did i become fully aware of this phenomena.

Of course i had heard the difference in the winds before: but in the busy structured schedule of the mundane, everyday routine of work, school, etc. i had not been fully engaged in what was happening all around me.

After all, 'who can see the wind?' Neither you or i… but

Living on the river on the Floating Empire: living with the natural rhythms of my body instead of the demands of societal structure has allowed me to fine tune my awareness of the difference. Surprising, unless the winds are hitting gale force speeds you don't really see the winds of winter the same way you see the wind of summer. Winter winds here on the Middle River are mainly out of the north: since the river runs primarily north/south this results in very, very, very low tides during major winter weather events. The north wind effectively teaming up with the tide pushes all of the water out of the river into the bay. Last week we were literally 'floating' on the mud of the river bottom. Needless to say no one got off the boat that day, or the next.

I for one will be very happy to hear and see the winds of summer again.

More later,

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